Did you know boobs can do other things not related to sex? I know, crazy concept. Stick with me though. What if, we started thinking about them like they are magical tools that can feed people? Pretty cool right? Let’s talk about that…a lot.
This is definitely not a “this is what I do and my kids are perfect so you should do this too #influencer” blog. I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t know who thought I was qualified for this, but I definitely want to speak to their manager.
Sometimes, we need a safe space to vent. I don’t want to hear how lucky I am to have xyz, definitely don’t want to hear “but what did you expect…they’re kids” What I want to hear is silence. Silence while I let these feelings out. That’s what Mom Truths is. It’s giving you a safe space to vent. No judgment. No names. Just let it all out, I’m sure I can relate…and if I can’t? I sure can empathize. It’s actually my greatest feature…my Empa-THIGHS!
Because parenting isn’t enough. Let’s add parenting AND teaching for a little extra razzle dazzle.