Our Birth, Our Way
I hate hospitals. Hate hate hate them. In my life, I've only gone to hospitals when something was wrong. Not to mention, black women are two to three times more likely to die from pregnancy related causes than white women. So, I'm sure you can imagine, this was the LAST place I wanted to have my baby.
When we told our family that we didn't want to give birth in a hospital they were confused. Genuinely confused. Hospital births are the norm for both sides of the family, so they couldn't fathom it being any other way. So how did we get them on board with our plans to have an unmedicated birth with a midwife?
Explain Our Why
Our families love and care about us. They understand that birth can be a tough process and they wanted us to be comfortable. They wanted to help us the best they could, but they couldn't offer much help or words of wisdom because it was something they hadn't been through.
Completely understandable.
We explained to them why it was important for us to do this. We explained what we envisioned our birth process looking like and the kind of environment we wanted. That environment was not going to be in a hospital.
Remind them What's Important
What's most important is that we have a healthy baby and a healthy mama. We understood that they wanted to help, but there would be other ways for them to help us. What was important in that moment was their love and support.
Ultimately, it's your process. It's your birth. Although you don't have to get anyone's approval, I can understand wanting their support. Remember your why and remember what's important. Stay firm in your decision and do what's best for you and your family. That's the Fralew way!