I Almost Fed My Baby in a Bathroom

I Almost Fed My Baby in a Bathroom

You read that right.

With my daughter, I was Mrs. Whip it Out Anywhere. No hesitation, no anxiety. I didn’t even carry bottles when we left the house because I knew I was going to nurse her. This time around, I’m more flexible and open to giving him a bottle if we’re out.

But I forgot to pack a bottle

We were visiting a church and we had never been here before. Miss Ma’am was checked into the Children’s Church and Mr. Man was with me in the Sanctuary. During Worship Service, he was fine. I think he enjoyed the music because he sat quietly.

Once the Pastor started teaching, Mr. Man had a lot to say. He was tired and would not go to sleep. I tried nursing him a little but he kept popping on and off. While trying to nurse him, I felt this anxiety abut nursing him in public that I’ve never felt.

I’m not sure if it was the new environment or maybe it was because the last time I nursed a baby in church I was referred to the nursing room -_-

Whatever the reason, I was very nervous about nursing him. I took him to the bathroom to change his diaper and while I was in there, I seriously considered sitting on the toilet and just nursing him there. I have NEVER nursed in a bathroom before. That is something that has made me uncomfortable.

I just think that I wouldn’t want to eat in a bathroom so why should my baby?

Even though it is 100% legal to nurse your baby in ANY public space, I was still really nervous. What if someone said something? What if it made other people uncomfortable?

After over thinking for a bit, I said:


We went back into the Sanctuary and I whipped that bad boy out and fed my baby. Because at the end of that day, that’s all I was doing. Feeding my child. If someone feels uncomfortable with a baby drinking milk, that says more about them then it does about me. It’s not like I had my nipple hanging out for all to see and ultimately that is what breasts were made for.

In that moment, I’m glad that I was able to calm my anxiety and put my child’s needs over any potential ridicule from strangers. It’s a nice reminder that the opinions of others are just that…theirs.

3 Breastfeeding Myths

3 Breastfeeding Myths