What is a Mom Truth?
My husband and I do this thing whenever we want to make a 100% honest statement and we don’t want the other person to get upset or run away. It gives the person the opportunity to say exactly what is on their mind and the other person has to try their hardest to really really listen to understand not listen to respond.
That’s the goal. I wanted to create a space for moms to be able to let their hair down and share what is really on their mind. Sometimes we feel guilty for being honest. Being a mom is not fun all of the time and despite what those stupid commercials or the Youtube moms with the secret nannies say or show, sometimes this mom shit sucks.
My mom truth is that sometimes I don’t enjoy being a mom. Sometimes, I just want to be Royeal.
Does this make me a bad mom? Depends on who you ask.
To some women, being a mom is their life. It’s their identity, their passion, their everything…and that’s okay…for them.
But me? Nah, that aint it. I love my kids, but sometimes it’s a lot. I’m over stimulated, laundry up to my ears, I have work to do and clients calling and there’s a five year old yelling “mommy, mommy, mommy. Look” Only to show me the same spin she’s been doing for the last four hours. It’s not even a super impressive spin. It’s mid at best, but I smile and clap and encourage her because that’s what I need to do so she feels loved and cherished and all the things…but whew!
Then thereʼs the tiniest human who wants to nurse until heʼs latched. As soon as heʼs latched, he wants to scoot out of my lap. Or he wants to look around at ANYTHING else. Or he wants to fight his sleep just because
Sometimes, I just need a minute. Several minutes to decompress and unwind. Sometimes, I need time away to feel like myself again-instead of feeling like someone’s wife or mom all the time.
So, if you ask me, that does not make me a bad mom. It makes me a great mom that I can recognize when I’m feeling this way and take the steps to give myself a break. My feelings are valid and they matter. Yours do too! Take a break if you need a break. You can’t pour from an empty cup. And if you need to share your Mom Truth with someone who wonʼt judge. Share away.
You got this!